Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oracle BAM Reports to Web Pages( iframe)

Oracle BAM Reports to Web Pages

Adding Oracle BAM Reports to Web Pages

To add an Oracle BAM report to a Web page:
  1. Open My Reports>Shared Reports tab in Oracle BAM Active Studio.
  2. Select the report to be displayed in the Web page.
  3. On left side pane, in Actions panel, Click the Copy Shortcut link.
    The Copy Shortcut dialog box opens including the string containing the report URL.
  4. Highlight the URL string, and press Control-C to copy the text.
  5. Paste the URL into the src attribute of an iframe element as shown in the following example.
    iframe src = http:// :  /OracleBAM/ / reportserver/ default.jsp?Event=viewReport&ReportDef=6&Buttons=False"  width="100%" height="100%" 
    You can set height and width attributes of the iframe to control both of these properties.

iframe src
="http://adc2110349.us.oracle.com:7001/OracleBAM/10704/reportserver/ default.jsp?Event=viewReport&ReportDef=6&Buttons=False"  width="100%" height="100%">


Integrating Oracle BPM with Business Intelligence (BI)

Integrating Oracle BPM Process Star Schema with Business Intelligence (BI)

Oracle BPM provides process star schema views. These provide access to the BPM Process Cubes data and can be used by any external BI tool for analysis and reporting purposes.
If cubes are enabled, the the BPM process cubes is populated when BPMN Service engine runs the processes in your project. To view the data stored in these process star schema, you use the dashboards provided by Oracle Business Process Management Workspace
